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About the Hosts

Learn more about your hosts of the 2024 National Police Collectors Show.

Peter Harris

Peter Harris is a long-time California Collector specializing in all things Los Angeles PD.  His fascination with the LAPD comes from his 31-year career with the agency.  Other than a six-month hiatus as a Jail supervisor, Peter spent 17 years working a black and white as a patrol officer, field training officer, gang officer, and field supervisor.   He left patrol for the dark side when his Commanding Officer at Hollywood Division assigned him to be the divisional complaint coordinator. One year later, he was appointed an investigator to Internal Affairs and only intended to stay there for a short time. His “short” tour ended up being eight years, one of which he was named “Supervisor of the Year.”   He spent his last four years at the Personnel Division as the Department Retirement Coordinator, a purely administrative position. Finally, Peter retired and escaped California with his wife and dogs for a slower life in Tennessee.  Peter spends much of his time in his collecting endeavors and is now an aspiring author.

Damir Krdzalic

Damir Krdzalic grew up in Bosnia and immigrated to the United States, specifically Iowa, in 1997. He started his law enforcement career as a translator, where he gained his appreciation for the insignia worn by police officers. This was when Damir became an avid collector. He has held law enforcement and hospital security jobs since then. He started with Milan, Illinois Police Department, he was full-time with the Scott County, Iowa, Sheriff’s Office when he moved to Florida to be closer to his family. He has worked on patrol and in the jail. In Florida, he was a sergeant with the Florida State College at Jacksonville. During his law enforcement career, he started an emblem company with Peter Harris called "CODE4 Public Safety Emblems." Peter realized he could not devote the time necessary and turned over ownership to Damir. Damir continued to work and grow the business as he worked full-time. Damir moved back to Iowa and regained his Iowa Law Enforcement qualifications as a Scott County Sheriff reserve deputy but is now running CODE 4 full-time. Damir splits his time between Iowa and Florida, the two states he primarily collects.

2024 National Police Collectors Show | July 12-14, 2024
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