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Show Rules

The 2023 National Police Collectors Show is destined to be a major success. However, to ensure that everyone enjoys the event, some simple rules will need to followed.


  1. Set up

    1. ​Set up will be Friday, July 12, 2024, from 1000 to 1700 hrs. 
  2. Entrance During Set Up

    1. ​Registered table holders and assistants are the only authorized persons allowed in the show hall during set up. Official Show identification badges issued by the show hosts are required for entry and are to be displayed on the outer garment at all times while on the showroom floor.  Any person without a show-issued credential will be asked to leave.

      1. Exception; A limited number of early entry passes will be sold for entry during set-up time at a discounted rate of $50.  The pass will entitle the purchaser to entry onto the showroom floor only. Early entry purchasers must leave the hall before the table holder’s meeting.       

  3. Registration Packets

    1. ​Registration packets will be issued to the table holders only. The packet will include the show identification badges for the table holder and table assistant.  The table holder will be responsible for giving the table assistants their ID.  Registration packets will be issued beginning at 0900 on Friday, July 12. Packets will include show information such as showroom floor layout, agenda, rules, official show identification credentials, and some complimentary items.

  4. Show Hours

    1. ​The show is open to the public on Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and Sunday, July 14, 2021, from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 PM.

  5. ​Entrance Outside of Hours

    1. Entrance to the showroom floor and display areas outside the scheduled show hours is strictly prohibited. On-site security will guard the venue hall during non-show hours and prohibit all parties from entering.  Anyone needing off-hours entry to their table area must contact a show host to arrange access.

  6. No Shows

    1. ​Unclaimed reserved tables once the show is open to the public, 9:00 AM July 13, 2024, will revert to the show with no refund unless advance notification is made.

  7. Refunds

    1. ​All efforts will be made to work with table holders who experience emergencies and cannot attend.  However, refunds for table reservations will only be honored until March 31, 2024.  After April 1, 2024, any table(s) purchased will become non-refundable but may be transferable to other collectors.  The Table holder of record must notify show hosts of the transfer before July 10, 2024.

  8. Purchase and Assignment of Tables

    1. ​All tables will be sold through the website  for $75 each and chosen by the purchaser from the tables available.  Payment will be made electronically, and the selected tables will automatically be reserved for the purchaser.  The table holder should be prepared to name his table assistant at the time of purchase. Table assistants can be changed later by contacting a show host. 

  9. Table Sizes

    1. ​Each table purchased is 8’ by 24” with two chairs. To ensure adequate space for the flow of foot traffic and to accommodate those using mobility assistance, all items must be contained within the table parameter of the tables purchased.  No items are permitted to protrude or extend outside the tabletop perimeter.  Table holders or assistants are not allowed to use any platform, easel, or other devices to expand the size of their table space. Easels are acceptable if placed on the table and remain within the tabletop perimeter. 

  10. Exhibit Hall Pillars

    1. ​No items may be attached to the support pillars in the exhibit hall in any way. However, table holders may utilize the AC 110 power outlets on the pillars to charge and or use simple electronics such as computers, phones, etc.

  11. General Admission

    1. ​This show is open to the public for an admission fee of $5 during regular show hours. However, the show hosts reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who may pose a safety threat or is disruptive. 

  12. Sales Tax

    1. All vendors selling items may be subject to the registration and reporting rules of Iowa’s sales tax laws.  It is not the duty or responsibility of show hosts to collect or account for the sales taxes of table holders.  For more information regarding sales taxes, please refer to:,a%20local%20option%20sales%20tax.

  13. Reproductions

    1. ​Any reproduction items on display shall be marked as such.  Show hosts will have discretion and final determination as to the appropriateness of a display item.

  14. Prohibited Badges & Identification

    1. ​All current federal law enforcement badges are prohibited at the show.  Additionally, department-issued identification cards may be displayed but not sold, traded, or transferred. All applicable laws shall remain in effect, and prohibited items are subject to confiscation by law enforcement.

  15. Right to Refuse

    1. ​Table holders shall use discretion in selling insignia that may be used for unlawful or inappropriate uses.  All insignia traded or sold at this show should be used solely for display or collectible purposes, not for identification, representation, or any unlawful or inappropriate use. Table holders shall have a right to refuse any sale, trade, or transaction to anyone.

  16. Firearms

    1. ​Iowa state law forbids the private party sale of a firearm from or to out-of-state residents.  The regulations for in-state private party sales are complicated. Therefore, the sales and/or trading of firearms and ammunition at the show and venue are strictly prohibited. Any firearm for display shall be secured and have an approved lock attached. Display of firearms is strongly discouraged; however, advance requests for the display of any firearm must be made in writing to show hosts.  The show hosts reserve the right to deny any firearm display request.

  17. ​Conduct

    1. Table holders and assistants shall maintain a calm and orderly demeanor free from loud outbursts, obscene language, or other offensive conduct.  Antagonizing or harassing behavior toward others will not be tolerated. Violators are subject to ejection (see Violation of Rules). Children must be supervised.

  18. Alcohol or Smoking

    1. ​Alcoholic beverages are prohibited within the show venue. In addition, the Iowa Smokefree Air Act (ISAA) bans smoking in enclosed areas within places of employment and some outdoor areas. Therefore, designated outdoor smoking areas will be accessible to anyone wishing to use them.  

  19. Violation of Rules

    1. ​Any action deemed a violation of the show rules by the show hosts may result in a verbal warning to expulsion from the show. Should a table holder be expelled, the table holder will forfeit the table registration fees. Additionally, law enforcement will be called for any actions of a criminal nature.

  20. Acceptance of Rules

    1. ​Table holders, table assistants, guests, and family members acknowledge, accept, and agree to abide by the show rules when paying for the table reservation. 

  21. ​Hold Harmless

    1. Show hosts shall not be liable for any loss, injury, death, or damage to persons or property which may be suffered or sustained by table holders, their guests, or other show attendees.


2024 National Police Collectors Show | July 12-14, 2024
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